Welcome to my completely random and quite impulsive endeavor! Anything is worth a try once, right?!?!?!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Baby Steps - - Stumbling, But Still Trying

Well, my good intentions for health have gotten off to a fair start. 

I have still kept my appointment with my new endocrinologist.  It is still scheduled for March 2.  Gary has the day off, so he is planning to go with me to make sure I go.  He knows me too well and how I tend to cancel at the last minute with things like this.

I did take advantage of the free three month membership offered at the facility next to my company.  I even made an appointment to meet with a personal trainer to get me set up on a program.  I have not exercised yet and missed my appointment, but plan to do better next week.  I don't work tomorrow cuz I have to take Chance to Sioux City to a doctors appointment, but my plan is to stop in on Tuesday, apologize for missing my appointment, and at the very least walk on the treadmill 3 times during the week.

The diet - - I did okay for 3 days.  I ate good.  I planned meals.  I even cooked with fresh veggies.  My body went into shock.  OK, probably not, but I started struggling with low blood sugars, as many as 3 in one night, and I got sick of dealing, so, of course, I chose the easy road and beefed up the amount of carbs I was eating and they weren't the healthiest of carbs.  Result was that the blood sugar problems stopped, but I felt sluggish.  I am gonna get back on the wagon and go at it again - - just gotta figure out the blood sugar thing.

Planning meals for the week went well.  I stuck to it the first 3 days, but forgot that I was not going to be home Thursday night for supper, and then I just kinda blew it from there.  Having planned meals did help grocery shopping go a little easier.  I am going to take the same approach next week and plan my menus out tonight.

So, there you have it, my small, stumbling, baby steps.  Steps forward all the same.

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